What is Ceremonial Grade Cacao?
In simple terms Cacao is chocolate but ceremonial grade Cacao is 100% cacao straight from the bean. It has been produced organically, non-GMO and supports local communities.
I use Ritual Tsatsayaku Cacao which comes directly from Ecuador, the Association is made up of 140 Kichwa and Mestizo families from 13 different communities, and it’s mission is to produce and conserve ancestral cacao (Arriba Nacional/Fino de Aroma) that provides a fair price for all of its members.
What are the benefits?
Cacao is a natural stress relief; it contains potassium, phosphorus, copper, iron, zinc, and magnesium which contribute to cardiovascular health. Cacao has the ability to trigger the release of dopamine and the endorphin phenylethylamine, both of which soothe the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and depression. It also contains anandamide - the bliss molecule. Pure Cacao also contains powerful antioxidants along with chromium, which balances blood sugar levels. It increases the blood flow to the brain, creating more mental agility, awareness and focus.
Cacao is a powerful Plant Medicine that helps us to release emotional blockages, find forgiveness in ourselves and others, and shows us the way forward if we are stuck, or afraid of making necessary life changes. It also enables us to access stuck emotions, conditionings, patterns of behaviour and addictions that are buried deep in the unconscious.